Saturday, June 29, 2013

What's new on Keek

Check out what's new on Keek
Keek Inc. Keek Update
Check out what's new on Keek!

Demi Lovato
Help us welcome Demi Lovato to Keek, go on her profile @ddlovato and create a Keekback!
Windows Phone
Keek is now available on Windows Phone 8 in the Windows Store.
Android 2.8
There is a new Android app update available with import videos and more sharing options.
Developer API
The Keek API is now open to the public. If interested check out our new developer portal for more information at
Thanks for helping us celebrate reaching 50 million users. Check out all the great keeks people are posting in the #50million Kluster.
Private Messaging
In case you missed it. We recently launched a new private messaging feature. Now you can share keeks privately with your friends, have group chats and much more. Make sure you have the latest iPhone app or try it at
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